

Pepa Wenrich.

I was born and raised in Guadalcanal (Seville), a town in the south of Spain. I earned degrees in Law and Business Administration from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Madrid. I married my American husband and then moved to Mexico where our two children were born. Raising my children has been the most rewarding experience in my life. As a young mom I was thirsty for parenting advice and read avidly on the subject of raising children. I always enjoyed children and was aware of the importance of properly educating future generations. My goal as a mother was raising compassionate and respectful kids. I registered my kids in a Montessori School when they were very young and I discovered the Montessori Philosophy. I became passionate about early education.

““Children are human beings to whom respect is due, superior to us by reason of their innocence and of the greater possibilities of their future. ” –Maria Montessori

Montessori Educator

I am certified by the American Montessori Society.

After we moved to Miami in 2003 I became a Montessori educator. My training transformed the way I see and relate to children. As a mother, I learned to respect the teachers that play such an important role in the life of my kids. As a teacher, I came to understand even more the irreplaceable role that parents have in the lives of their children. No matter how soon children attend school, or how may hours they spend there, parents are still their first and most important educators. I understood the importance of the first years of the life of a child and the importance of raising happy, independent and emotionally intelligent children. As a teacher, my focus was not so much how many lessons the kids were able to learn, rather how happy and adaptable they were. The parent-child relationship plays a big role on it.

“A child's self-esteem comes from the security that is provided by parents who balance love and authority in their caring for the child”- John Rosemond”

Parent Coach

I am a certified leadership parenting coach by the John Rosemond Parenting Institute.

Through my private coaching and my workshops and presentations I teach parents about children and about how to relate with them. I help and support parents with typical “little issues” before they become bigger problems. Parents will learn how to handle daily family conflicts in a more effective way.

I begin to seriously consider the idea of becoming a Parent Coach after realizing that most parents, at some time or another, feel insecure about our parenting skills and after recognizing that most parents (unlike teachers) don´t receive any kind of specific training, advice or help until problems escalate. I was personally trained by John Rosemond and I joined him on his mission: “To help parents claim loving leadership at home”. His parenting approach helped me understand at a new level my frustrations and successes as a mother and as a teacher and I love to share his common-sense approach to child rearing.

In my coaching practice, I also draw on the ideas of Daniel Goleman (emotional intelligence), Henry Cloud & John Townsend (boundaries), Becky A. Bailey (conscious discipline), and Marshall Rosenberg (nonviolent communication). I also share the Montessori Philosophy, and last but not least, my experiences as a mother of a cross-cultural family all of which makes for a fascinating and challenging.