Is my child ready for preschool?

If you are looking for a preschool for your little one you are probably asking yourself, “will it be good enough for him?”

The question I would ask you is: is your child sufficiently prepared?

In my experience, the majority of the problems the little ones face at school are related to conduct. If you are worried about your child’s behavior at home, it is very probable that the teachers will face the same difficulties in class.

If your child is accustomed to respecting limits and schedules, eats well, and does not get angry when he or she does not get their way…it is very probably that they will adapt well to their new school, regardless of the one you choose. The kids that are relatively well behaved, are usually happy, motivate themselves easily, and enjoy learning and playing with their friends. The rest is up to the teachers, as they are the professionals.

The best way to prepare your little one for school is to teach them how to behave!

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