Safer at home: COVID-19

Hi! This is crazy.

Not long ago, being at home all day with the kids was unthinkable. Kids and adults alike had their own lives full of activities. Covid-19 has changed our lives and has made us come face to face with our priorities. Our kids are also seeing it: we’ve locked ourselves in our homes to stop the pandemic, because safety comes first. Our homes have become our refuge. All of the sudden, kids go to school at home, and the extracurricular activities that were once so important, have disappeared. Instead, daily family life has taken center stage. Now that we’re no longer leaving the house so often, it may be an excellent time to question our kids behavior. Do I feel good close to them? Do they show respect and manners? Do they help me at home? Are they grateful? Do they allow me to take care of my own responsibilities while they take care of theirs? Do they get along? Do they know how to entertain themselves? Is there something I would like to be different? Do I feel as if I’m educating them according to my own values?

For years I’ve spoken with mothers and fathers that adored their kids and were extremely proud of how well they were doing outside of the home; but they confessed they were worried about the attitudes that were exhibited when they were with them. Although they didn’t like what they saw, they said they didn’t know what to do about it, or that they didn’t want to start any fights in the short periods of time they spent with them. A lot of parents I’ve had the pleasure to collaborate with have, with great relief, realized that they were able to change the family dynamic in a very short time when they fully dedicated themselves to it.

This unusual time of confinement that we are living in can be a great opportunity to see your children’s difficulties, and focus on them. Having high expectations of our kids and creating proper routines will immensely help you and your family enjoy a more organized and peaceful life. It’s another way to make them feel more safe at home. This intense coexistence can also be a great chance to get to know them better and have a good time. Apart from the problems you may be going through in these difficult times, it’s always in your hands to create a sense of normality and optimism for them. Safer at home, but also happier.


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